ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - BT Walkie Stacker SWE080L 2017

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ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - BT Walkie Stacker SWE080L 2017 : $2,500 AUD ($2,750 Inc. GST)
This model is designed to accommodate light to heavy-duty stacking operations, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. Toyota BT Staxio SWE080L features a pedestrian operator type and a click-2-creep function for easy maneuvering in tight spaces.
Key Features:
Chassis: The SWE080L features a 5-point chassis for high stability, ensuring safe and efficient operations.
Capacity: The SWE080L offers a stacking capacity of 800 kg, making it suitable for light to medium-intensity stacking operations.
Fork Length: It comes with a fork length of 1200 mm, providing ample space for safe and secure material handling.
Battery Capacity: It boasts a battery capacity of 230AH, ensuring prolonged operation without frequent need for recharging.
Manufacturer: The SWE080L is a product of BT, a trusted name in the material handling industry.
Versatility: The SWE080L is designed to be versatile, capable of handling double pallets and operating effectively on uneven floors.
Clear View of Forks: The design of the SWE080L offers a clear view of the forks for safer operations.