Active Forklifts (Australia) Pty Ltd

New ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - BT Walkie Stacker SWE080L 2017
This model is designed to accommodate light to heavy-duty stacking operations, m....

Used ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - 2015 Toyota forklift for sale 5 ton capacity 5m lift height dual wheel
Make- Toyota 2015 Build date Model- 8FG50 Lift Height- 5000mm Standard mast Capa....

Make- Toyota 2018 Build date Model- 8FG50 Lift Height- 4000mm Standard mast Capa....

Used ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - 2013 Toyota 5 Ton forklift for sale- 5m lift height Dual front Wheel
Make- Toyota Year- 2013 Model Model- 7FGA50 Lift Height- 5000mm Standard mast Co....

Used ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - 2.5 ton Toyota forklift for sale- 5m mast side shift solid tyres
Make- Toyota Year- 2000 Model Model- 6FG25 Tynes- 1070mm Lift Height- 5000m Stan....

Make- Toyota Year- 2014 Model Model- 7FDA50 Lift Height- 4000mm Standard mast Co....

Make- Toyota Year- 2016 Model Model- 8FG35N 2800mm collapsed height Tynes- 1070m....

Make- Toyota Year- 2016 Model Model- 8FG20 Lift Height- 3700mm Standard mast Cap....

Used ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - 2015 Toyota 8fg18 1.8 ton forklift for sale-4.5m mast side shift solid tyres
Make- Toyota Year- 2015 Model Model- 8FG18 Lift Height- 4500mm Standard mast Cap....

Make- Toyota Year- 2007 Model Model- 7FG35 Tynes- 1070mm Lift Height- 4500mm Sta....

Used ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - Toyota 7FDA50 Diesel forklift for sale 5000mm Standard mast 5 ton Capacity
Make- Toyota Year- 2010 Model Model- 7FDA50 Lift Height- 5000mm Standard mast Co....

Used ACTIVE FORKLIFTS - Toyota 4 ton container entry forklift for sale-4.3m mast 1.8m long tynes
Make- Toyota Model- 7FG40 Lift Height- 4300 container mast Capacity- 4000KG Nomi....